Saturday 17 November 2012

Social Networking

The business world began to see some relief to their challenges when the Internet arrived. After a short while, the Internet introduced social networking to the business world, and things really began to change. Applications likFacebookMySpaceTwitterLinkedIn and blogs arrived on the scene, ready to take on business challenges and make them manageable and fun—believe it or not.
The Web hosts hundreds of millions of users worldwide. Social networking sites, many of which are free, draw millions of those users in, providing a space to share information, get questions answered and, most prominently, communicate. While social networking sites were originally developed as a means for people to communicate with friends and acquaintances, as well as make new friends, businesses have figured out how to tap into their potential. Given the broad-reaching potential social networking sites have, it is no wonder businesses are quickly learning how to use them to disseminate information about their companies, generate new contacts and open communication between customers and businesses.
Social networking is now one of the easiest ways to communicate with people and find people online. Businesses can promote their products using social networking by updating their statuses to present what's new. Businesses are capable of detailing their products, providing customers with contact information and  potentially posting photos of their employees involved in various activities, all of which personalise their business.  As more people are drawn in, the potential for drawing more business is greatly heightened. They can communicate directly with their customers. They can obtain feedback and ideas, monitor conversations about their businesses and let their customers know that they are genuinely interested in them. Communicating is one of the key means for establishing strong customer relationships.
Social networking sites present businesses with many opportunities to market their products and perform market research. Companies can review network profiles to review the likes, interests and expressed needs of their customer base. They can also use this information to determine how their friends’ or fans’ profile characteristics fit into their marketing targets. In addition, some companies are finding fun ways to advertise, such as allowing users to send virtual gifts connected to the companies’ product offerings. Social networking allows companies to spread the word about themselves at little or no cost.
An early example of social networking includes forums. Forums, like any type of social networking platform, allow people who share a common interest to communicate. The type of information obtained through forums often rivals the type of results a search engine can produce, because actual groups of people are communicating, creating a knowledge base built around a specific topic. 
This is the same sort of ideology of the fanzine - where groups of people can communicate creating a knowledge base around a specific topic. People prefer using these types of services to keep in touch with people overseas, as the cost to communicate this way is often far cheaper than a phone call.
Most social Media networking platforms have changed the way Digital Online Marketing Companies do marketing through the web. Forums were often used for link building and lead generation, and to an extent still are. However, most lead generation today is done through sites like Facebook. After all, someone is keeping track of the books, movies, television shows, and products that Facebook’s users are rating and talking about on the site.
Social networking can be used to do marketing and find out what rival companies are doing. 

Negative Impacts of Social Networking

Positive Impacts of Social Networking

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